Hello world, welcome to my next blog of soultalk, introducing to you the Pure Love Project-Art from the Heart to bless the world.
My friend  Joy Meyer, who is the founder of this project has the vision to bring more love and joy to the world through art. Her own Art, that of other Artists and Artists in collaboration. She’s still working on a website so I’ll have more information to give to you about this in the near future.

I met Joy during  my  last stay on Maui, Hawai, this past winter. I was taking time to heal from my broken relationship and  the impact it had on my life, being without a home and feeling as if  a rug was pulled under my feat. I had decided to buy a one way ticket to Maui, since I had been there several times before on vacation and also to attend different spiritual and personal growth classes. I had made some friends during my stays and I’ve always felt very welcomed by Mother Maui’s energy. This time I wanted to explore if this could be the place I would want to start a new life. I had asked if I could be a volunteer in a workshop that is called “manifesting as your presence” and it seemed a perfect way to start a new chapter in my life. For more info on this and other workshops you can check out the website: www.walktheearthasalivingmaster.com.

I sat next to Joy in the class and it became clear that this was for a good reason. What we had in common is our love for Art and the challenge that up to that point in our lives we hadn’t given ourselves permission to call ourselves an Artist and to spend time creating Art. We both had worked in Art galleries selling other people’s Art and  We had come to the conclusion that we both wanted to set the intention to manifest for this to change and to step into our divine Artist. After this workshop we took some other creative workshops together and started to come together to create time and space to work. We first worked each on our own creations but then one day Joy brings out this 16×20 canvas that she had started on and she suggests that we work on this more in collaboration. This has been a really amazing experience! At first it’s hard to see and experience that when you’ve created something and someone else comes in and starts paining over it, changing or adding things, your ego really acts up and starts asking:” is this ok with you?”  And then when you just surrender and open up to the co-creative process it is ecstatic…!

The piece that has been created from our collaboration is called “Joyful Heart”.



It’s painted on stretched canvas size 16×20 using acrylics paint.

We want to offer it for sale for $450 and use this money towards the Pure Love Project. If you’re the one that wants to support  Joy and her project or If  You know of someone that you love and who would want to have this Art piece in their home, please contact me at: www.petranella71@gmail.com or you can contact Joy directly at :  joyworks@sonic.net






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